Thursday, June 9, 2011

Table replication in SQL Server 2008/R2

Replication comes in handy when you need other environments to be in sync with your production environment. Generally, Database replication is often used. But, what if, if you need only some tables in a particularDB in your dev environment needs to be synced with Prod environment? The answer is just replicate the required tables. You can replicate tables from one DB to another DB in the same Server/instance or you can from One server to another server. Once the tables are replicated, new field [msrepl_tran_version] will be added to the end of the table. You may hide this to external users by creating a view. In replication terminology, we call Publisher and Subscriber. Publisher is the mainDB that has the tables. Subscriber is the target. Once you subscribe to a publisher for a particular table(s), you will see them in the Subscriber (the target DB). You can also specify the replication strategy whether the replication is transactional/snapshot etc...


Krish said...

Harsha, what does database repliacation means? Snap shot or transcational ?

Krish said...
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